Thursday, May 5, 2011

comment on facebook posts by Chris and my Lou re house vote to prohibit federal abortion funding

The vote's pretty crappy.  I don't excuse their behavior in any way.  I just want to point out two other negatives associated with the vote that are in addition to the obvious ones.  I then want to toss out a few observations/ideas for consideration.

1. They knew the bill had no chance in the Senate (likely would not even make it to the floor) and that Obama would veto it if it ever got that far.  So -- Why did they waste time when there are so many other critical issues facing this country that they could have been addressing?  and 2. Do they think we are that stupid that we would allow our Gov't to take an action that would restrict the ability of about 250K women, yearly, who elect abortion because of financial considerations, to afford the procedure (i.e., have it done professionally) -- and therefore bring another chunk of humanity onto this planet with a distinctly poor outlook for making a real life for themselves?   

Aren't they listening to those they represent?   

Do they think that by addressing their personal agendas and spouting their own extreme positions (more extreme than their average constituent’s positions, by the way, although the media may make it seem hard to believe) that they are doing work that benefits their state and country -- OR are those whom they represent ‘the most’ composed of themselves, their friends, and those to whom they are beholden?   I think sometimes it is the latter case but, regardless of which is really true, this is just more politics as usual and somehow the country muddles through with a bad self-image.   

Really, it ain't all that bad here.  Just look at pictures from our earlier days (the generation before mine, my generation (West VA, for example)).  Things have gone downhill since 9/11, true.  But other than being treated like idiots by our elected reps, what are your unresolved bitches that a definable Gov't action would solve?  (That is, a Gov't action that would be 'acceptable' to the populace)?   

Medicare and Medicaid need to be reined in.  Could deep cuts taken in just the next few years be accepted by the people?  Would it be better to take away preferential treatment for old people (helping with their medical bills because they are retired and thus much more likely to no longer be able to afford them) and therefore move TOWARD more equal (though harsh) treatment than to pass legislation (anti-abortion) that moves AWAY from equality (that is toward inequality in a NEGATIVE way) for a segment of the population -- in this case, women.   

On the other hand, it is a damn big mistake to create a life and then scoop it out and throw it away.  There are an incredible number of such mistakes.  It is usually a mistake by both participants but the woman bears a much more direct consequence!  I figure most or all of us make a few big mistakes and abortion is a way out that should be affordable to the relatively indigent, who compose a significant share of the patient population.  Of course, there are many Americans opposed to abortion because of deeply held religious beliefs (taking a life is an unlawful sin and the Gov’t should not support it in any way).  There are probably enough such people that it seems particularly unfair to them that they have to pay a federal tax, a portion of which is used to support something they are so vehemently in disagreement with.  Maybe they feel like they at least have an option to live in a state that does not provide abortion funding (if there is such a state) and so they can sort of live with having to pay the state tax in a state that does provide abortion funding because they at least had a choice in the matter.   

Hell if I know.  It (the vote) was still a waste of time.  They could have made their point in a news release and saved all the time they wasted jawboning and posturing.

One last point.  My Mother did not work until I was in like 4th grade or something.  My Dad did not make a great deal of money.  But, we could afford medical care and four of the five of us had hospital operations and my parents never 'went under'.  In a hospital, you could expect attentive, expert care.  Something has gone seriously wrong with health care and I think perhaps it is 'too much gov't intervention'.  The great society was a noble idea, but was it already pretty great and all the legislation is messing it up?

If this blog seems nonsensical/too hard to read, then I could create an mp3 recording myself reading it.  Then, I think it would be easily understood (not necessarily agreed with, but understood!).  

Rockem, Sockem Dave

Monday, May 2, 2011

fatherhood --- take 1

Man, what did I do to deserve such fine sons?  Many of the examples I set were not all they could have been.  I do not think this was a random outcome.  Maybe I am being blessed by it as opposed to deserving it but regardless I am grateful.   

All three inspire me, all apply real thought processes to analyze what is going on about them, all enjoy life, all are serious about doing quality work, all are inquisitive and want to learn, all have compassion for others, and all bring a smile to others.

They are significantly different from each other in many ways and yet share some fairly unusual traits (uncanny memories and ability to recall verbal utterances, ability to 'sing' Brain Salad Surgery instrumentals, etc.).  They are truly there for each other and love to rank on each other and love to make each other laugh. 

My love for them has similar characteristics but also is quite different in many ways. It cannot be quantified or rank-ordered.  As their Dad, I have bit my tongue many, many times to not say judgmental things about ways they have chosen to live their lives or aspects of their personalities.  Just because it ain't the way I would do it, don't mean it's wrong!  As much as I love them, I would have loved to find a way to start a family business that would have kept us closer.  I continued to daydream about that until just very recently.  But, I think I always knew, deep inside, that it would have been wrong to pursue the family business idea because it would have been more for me than for them.  I wanted them to each know they had my admiration, respect, and support to go after whatever they wanted in their lives whenever they wanted to go after it. 

I have at times wondered about whether my silence about some things could have negative consequences.  But, I managed to not open my mouth and I think they all know about the sorts of things that have occasionally troubled my mind, anyway.  If not, ah well.  Things have worked out really well as they have transitioned into adulthood and made great strides into becoming men of substance. 

I adjusted my approach to being 'Dad' to fit who they were as individuals -- not as a homogeneous group of 'my kids'.

I did not know when I started writing this that it would really be an attempt to answer my lead-in question. 
Maybe another answer to the question would be that I married such a fabulous woman.  The uber-Mom and uber-Wife/Friend.

Anyway, I am going to start running again (and doing Jiang Ha) while Diane is visiting Chris and Kara in San Fran this next week.  Maybe someday I can run a marathon or trail run with one or more of them.  That'd be fun.  I have to say, though, that it this may not be a long running career for me.  I'll just have to see how the joints hold out.